Austin 2015 Founders Day

Austin 2015 Founders Day

Beta Mu Chapter hosted its 95th Founders Day in Austin on February 28. Inclement weather forced the cancellation of a golf tournament but the rain and cold did not deter an evening reception and BBQ dinner at the house. The Alumni Advisory Board dedicated the 2015...
Austin 2015 Founders Day

Beta Mu Alumni Honors December Graduates

With the support of Beta Mu’s Alumni Fund a “Senior Sendoff” lunch and presentation of gifts in Austin was held in December 2014 for eight graduating Pikes. The new Texas-Exes are Chandler Abbott ’10, Will Brown ’11, Scott Englar...
Austin 2015 Founders Day

Austin 2014 Founders Day

Texas Pike actives and alums marked the fraternity’s founding on March 1, 2014 in Austin with a BBQ dinner and reception, In the spirit of the evening, alumni and actives joined together and recited the fraternity’s Preamble. Alumni and wives were...
Austin 2015 Founders Day

Summer/Fall 2013 Alumni Receptions Held Across Texas

Pike alums gathered in Houston for cigars and refreshments at The Palm and Stogies tobacconist. More than 40 brothers attended the reception on October 2, 2013. Eleven brothers generously provided underwriting for the fun event. Beta Mu has more than 150 alums...
Austin 2015 Founders Day

Austin 2013 Founders Day

The chapter was pleased to join Alumni in a March Founder Day golf outing and an evening at Scholz’s Garten. Alums are planning several summer 2013 events so watch the website calendar.