Apr 10, 2017 | Beta Mu News
Pike elected new chapter officers in April for the 2017-18 school year. We say thanks and “well done” to the outgoing officers. Special thanks to outgoing president Lucas Anderson. The new Executive Committee (pictured) is composed of President Zack...
Apr 1, 2017 | Beta Mu News
In March, chapter members and their fathers enjoyed an eventful Dad’s weekend including the UT vs. Baylor basketball game, a TopGolf outing, dinner, and maybe one or two visits to 6th Street. Thanks to more than 50 enthusiastic Pike Moms for joining Mothers Club...
Mar 29, 2017 | Beta Mu News
Texas Pike Philanthropy Chairman Nick Thompson ’16 is leading the launch of a new #Pike charity music festival. This music festival — being dubbed PIKE FEST – is intended to extend Pike’s philanthropy efforts through this new annual signature...
Jan 5, 2017 | Beta Mu News
Continuing now for its fifth year during the student’s holiday break, a fun and informative Alumni-led Career Advisory Session took place in Dallas on January 5, focused on the Real Estate sector. Previous sessions have included digital marketing/big data,...
Aug 5, 2016 | Alumni, Beta Mu News
An alumni-led Career Advisory Session was held in Dallas on August 5 in the Park Cities home of John Ward ’85, who was joined by co-presenter Kyle Moore ’86. John and Kyle led a session for Pike undergrads on working in large corporations with a focus on...
Aug 3, 2016 | Alumni, Beta Mu News
A highly enjoyable and well attended Dallas alumni summer happy hour gathering took place at El Fenix on June 9. Thirty plus Pikes were in attendance ranging from the 1960s to early 2000s. George Neill, Randy Ackerman, Cass Robinson, Steve Dunn, Jeff Morales and...